About TEACH Missouri
The TEACH Early Childhood® Missouri Scholarship (Teacher Education And Compensation Helps) is a scholarship and compensation opportunity for educators in licensed child care programs – center, group and family. T.EA.C.H. MISSOURI is part of a nationwide effort to the increase quality of care in child care programs through increased education. Missouri is one of 21 states offering this very successful program.
The four components of the TEACH Missouri program are:
- Scholarship – A contract between the recipient, sponsor and TEACH Missouri with a paid percentage of the cost of tuition and books from each.
- Education – Contract year covers 9-15 credit hours over three consecutive semesters.
- Compensation – Recipients receive a $450 bonus from TEACH Missouri for each completed contract. Several scholarship models include a possible $200 bonus match or a 2% raise from the sponsoring employer.
- Commitment – Recipients agree to complete 6 to 12 months of continued service to children at their sponsoring program or in the field of child care after the educational year (varies by scholarship model).
The Goals of the TEACH Missouri Scholarship:
- To improve the quality of early childhood care and education BY
- Increasing the education level of early childhood educators AND
- Increasing the compensation for early childhood providers THEREBY
- Increasing the retention rate of early childhood teachers THUS
- Improving the quality and continuity of care provided for our children and their families AND
- Creating a model of partnership in Missouri early childhood programs.
Why is TEACH Missouri needed?
The education level of child care providers is one of the most critical indicators of the quality of a child’s experience in child care. Addressing two major areas of concern in the early care field, low wages and high turnover of child care providers, the scholarship increases compensation and the retention of teachers after their education.
Who benefits from TEACH Missouri?
Children: | As the primary beneficiaries of TEACH Missouri, children benefit from lasting relationships with consistent caregivers committed to the field. Children profit from teachers who are specialists in early childhood education and development and who possess sensitivity to the needs of the very young. |
Recipients: | Teachers, assistants, directors, owners and family child care professionals increase their knowledge and skill level through college course work. Recipients receive increased compensation for completion of courses, as well as support and career advising by a scholarship counselor. As a result, heightened professional status and job satisfaction are attained. |
Sponsoring Employers: | Child care facilities benefit through knowledgeable staff members who apply higher quality early childhood practices to the children and families in their care. Programs experience reduced staff turnover, helping to improve quality and marketability while using the scholarship as a recruitment and advertising tool to the benefit of the facility. |
Who funds TEACH Missouri?
The scholarship is a partnership between scholarship recipients, sponsoring employers and TEACH Missouri. Funders include the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Department of Social Services.
TEACH Missouri Annual Reports
TEACH Missouri
955 Executive Parkway Drive,
Suite 106
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 800-200-9017,x607/609
FAX: 886-897-8168
TTY:Dial711 or 800-735-2966
if you are deaf or hearing impaired for MO Relay TTY Services
TEACH Missouri has a variety of created scholarship models. Find the model that is right for you and your sponsoring employer.
Child Development Associate® (CDA) Scholarship –
- Used to earn early childhood college credits Missouri 2-year colleges that convert to the 120+ clock hours educational requirement for a CDA.
- Has more eligibility criteria than other scholarship models.
- New model, extensive benefits, not renewable. Learn more.
Entry Associate Degree Scholarship –
- Used to earn college credits as an introduction to early childhood education, or early childhood special education at Missouri 2-year colleges.
- Can be used to complete required credits towards a Missouri Director Certification, CDA or Accreditation.
- Introductory model, basic benefits, not renewable. Learn more.
Associate Degree Scholarship –
- Used to earn an Associate degree (AA, AAS, AAT) in early childhood education or early childhood special education.
- Supports general education and early childhood courses at Missouri 2-year colleges.
- Renewable annually until degree is earned. Learn more.
Bachelor Degree Scholarship –
- Used to earn a Bachelor’s degree (BA, BS) in early childhood education or early childhood special education.
- Supports general education and early childhood courses at Missouri 4-year colleges.
- Renewable annually until degree is earned. Learn more.
TEACH Early Childhood® Missouri Scholarship Models
Scholarship | Entry Associate Degree | Associate Degree | Bachelor Degree* (excluding Pre-Certification and Student Teaching models) |
Education |
Tuition & Book Costs | |||
Recipient Portion | 10% – 15% tuition & books | 10% tuition & books | 10% – 15% tuition & books |
Sponsor Portion | 10% – 15% tuition & books | 10% tuition & books | 10% – 15% tuition & books |
TEACH Missouri Portion | 75% – 90% tuition & books | 80% – 90% tuition & books | 75% – 90% tuition & books |
Release Time | |||
Weekly study time for recipient at regular pay rate | N/A | 3 hours per week in course per semester | 2 hours per week in course per semester |
TEACH Missouri reimbursement to sponsor | N/A | $10.30/hour – maximum of 132 hours reimbursed during one contract | $10.30/hour – maximum of 85 hours reimbursed during one contract |
Accessibility Stipend | N/A | $55 per semester when courses are taken | $55 per semester when courses are taken |
Compensation | |||
TEACH Missouri payment to recipient | $450 upon completion of the education year (two $225 installments) | $450 upon completion of the education year (two $225 installments) | $450 upon completion of the education year (two $225 installments) |
Sponsoring employer payment to recipient | Option 1 – Sponsoring employer provides a $200 bonus Option 2 – Sponsoring employer does not provide a bonus |
Option 1 – Sponsoring employer provides a $200 bonus Option 2 – Sponsoring employer provides a 2% raise over cost of living |
Option 1 – Sponsoring employer provides a $200 bonus Option 2 – Sponsoring employer does not provide a bonus |
Commitment Served after education period (Option chosen by sponsoring employer) |
Option 1 – 6 consecutive months of continued employment at sponsoring child care program Option 2 – 6 months of employment in a licensed child care program |
Option 1 – 12 consecutive months of continued employment at sponsoring child care program Option 2 – 12 consecutive months of continued employment at sponsoring child care program |
Option 1 – 9 consecutive months of continued employment at sponsoring child care program Option 2 – 9 months of employment in a licensed child care program |
*If you are working on a Bachelor’s degree and are within 4 semesters of doing your student teaching, a Pre-Certification or Student Teaching model should be considered.
Are you eligible? Read about the Scholarship Eligibility Requirements.
More questions? read through the Recipient and Sponsor Handbooks.
Need more information? Contact TEACH Missouri or use the Scholarship Selector to find your best option.
TEACH Missouri
955 Executive Parkway Drive,
Suite 106
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 800-200-9017,x607/609
FAX: 886-897-8168
TTY:Dial711 or 800-735-2966
if you are deaf or hearing impaired for MO Relay TTY Services
Scholarship Requirements

Who is eligible for a scholarship?
All teachers, directors, assistants, on-site owners, and family group or home child care staff who:
- Have a desire to earn college credit towards a national Child Development Associate Credential (CDA), an Associate degree (AA/AAS/AAT) or a Bachelor’s degree (BA/BS) in early childhood care & education
- Work directly with the children 0 to 5 years old daily in a licensed or license-exempt child care program
- Are 18 years of age or older and have a GED or high school diploma
- Work directly with children at least 30 hours a week in a child care program
- Make under $20.00/hr as a teacher or assistant and $25.00/hr as a director or owner
- Be authorized to work in the U.S.
- Eligibility is contingent upon your sponsoring employer’s participation. The scholarship is a partnership between the recipient, sponsoring employer and TEACH Missouri. Each partner has designated financial and service responsibilities.
- Owners of family child care homes and centers act as their own sponsors.
- TEACH Missouri operates a continuous waiting list. To be placed on the waiting list, you must complete the application packet, accessed online and send (fax, email or postage paid mail) it to the TEACH Missouri office. All complete application packets will be added to the waiting list.
- Potential scholarship recipients on the waiting list are called a month and a half prior to the start of each semester. Scholarships are awarded based on funding availability. Those on the waiting list who do not receive a scholarship in the given semester are kept on the list for 12 months.
- If you have applied more than 12 months ago, you need to complete and submit a new application.
TEACH Missouri
955 Executive Parkway Drive,
Suite 106
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 800-200-9017,x607/609
FAX: 886-897-8168
TTY:Dial711 or 800-735-2966
if you are deaf or hearing impaired for MO Relay TTY Services
OPEN Initiative -This will allow you to obtain or look-up your MOPD ID.
Missouri Workshop Calendar -The Missouri Workshop Calendar is a resource for early childhood and youth development professionals to find and register for professional development opportunities.
TEACH Missouri
955 Executive Parkway Drive,
Suite 106
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 800-200-9017,x607/609
FAX: 886-897-8168
TTY:Dial711 or 800-735-2966
if you are deaf or hearing impaired for MO Relay TTY Services
College Directory
The Directory of Missouri Early Childhood Certificate and Degree Programs is a comprehensive listing of the two- and four-year colleges that offer degrees in early childhood education. The Directory is intended to be used as a resource in finding information about the higher education opportunities across Missouri with regard to early care and education. Information is provided on: general college contacts, Early Childhood Department contacts, satellite campuses, current tuition, and the college’s web site. All colleges listed are regionally accredited and based in Missouri.
The Directory of Missouri Early Childhood Certificate and Degree Programs provides a “snapshot” of programs at each college. Changes in the programs listed here may occur at any time so please check with each college or university for current contacts and information.
TEACH Missouri
955 Executive Parkway Drive,
Suite 106
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 800-200-9017,x607/609
FAX: 886-897-8168
TTY:Dial711 or 800-735-2966
if you are deaf or hearing impaired for MO Relay TTY Services
Two-Year College Directory Early Childhood Programs in MissouriCentral Methodist University
Crowder College
East Central College
Jefferson College
Metropolitan Community College – Penn Valley
Mineral Area College
Moberly Area Community College
Missouri State University – West Plains
North Central Missouri College
Ozarks Technical Community College
State Fair Community College
St. Louis Community College – Florissant Valley
St. Louis Community College – Forest Park
St. Louis Community College – Meramec
Three Rivers College
Four-Year College Directory Early Childhood Programs in Missouri
Baptist Bible College
Central Methodist University
College of the Ozarks
Culver-Stockton College
Evangel University
Fontbonne University
Hannibal-LaGrange College
Harris-Stowe State University
Lindenwood University
Maryville University
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Southern State University
Missouri State University
Missouri Valley College
Missouri Western State University
Northwest Missouri State University
Park University
Saint Louis University
Southeast Missouri State University
Southwest Baptist University
Stephens College
University of Central Missouri
University of Missouri-Columbia
University of Missouri-Kansas City
University of Missouri-St. Louis
Westminster College
William Woods University
Why do families spend so much on child care while early childhood educators in child care programs earn so little?
The majority of child care educators in America do not currently make a livable wage.
TEACH Missouri
955 Executive Parkway Drive,
Suite 106
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 800-200-9017,x607/609
FAX: 886-897-8168
TTY:Dial711 or 800-735-2966
if you are deaf or hearing impaired for MO Relay TTY Services
Contact Us
TEACH Missouri:
Please contact us with questions by:
Phone: 800-200-9017 or in St. Louis at 314-535-2020
607 for Amanda Schwartz, Deputy Director
609 for Carrie Haight, Scholarship Counselor
624 for Courtney Anselmo, CDA Scholarship Counselor
620 for Bonita Bell, Administrative Assistant
Fax: 866-697-8168
Email: [email protected]
Or by mail:
TEACH Missouri
955 Executive Parkway Drive,
Suite 106
St. Louis, MO 63141
Sign up for our newsletter or to get more information!
Fill in the information below. Be sure to indicate whether you are the owner or director of a childcare program or if you are a teacher looking to go back to school.
Contact Form
TEACH Missouri
955 Executive Parkway Drive,
Suite 106
St. Louis, MO 63141
Phone: 800-200-9017,x607/609
FAX: 886-897-8168
TTY:Dial711 or 800-735-2966
if you are deaf or hearing impaired for MO Relay TTY Services
[email protected]
Phone: 314-535-1458
Fax: 314-754-0330
TTY: Dial 711 or 800-735-2966