Renewing my CDA was simple and effortless. The scholarship helped me to continue my growth as an early childhood professional.
– Lead educator, Central Missouri

Renewal CDA Scholarship Model

Renewal CDA Scholarship may best suit your needs if you want:

  • You are within six (6) months of your current CDA expiring and you want to renew your CDA.
  • Your current CDA has not expired yet. If your CDA is past the expiration date on the credential, you will need to re-apply for the CDA. The Council for Professional Recognition (Council) does not renew the credential after it has expired.

Eligibility – All applicants must:

  • Be at least 18 years old and have a high school or equivalent diploma.
  • Have worked at least one month with your current child care employer.
  • Work directly with children birth to 5 years old daily in a licensed, license-exempt or Six or Fewer Provider child care program.
  • Work directly with children at least 15 hours a week in a child care or home visiting program in the setting you are choosing to earn your CDA (infant/toddler, preschool, family child care, or home visiting).
  • Work in Missouri and are authorized to work in the U.S.

Once your application is approved:

  • A CDA Scholarship Counselor will contact you directly to schedule a phone review and discuss necessary paperwork.

NOTE: Your scholarship is not fully active until you talk to your CDA Scholarship Counselor and upload the required paperwork.

  • After creating an account with us, you will upload all your training certificates/coursework completed during the prior three years. You will need 45 clock hours or a three (3) credit hour college course in early childhood to meet the Renewal CDA requirement.
  • You will need a current child/infant First Aid and CPR certification.
  • If you need more training, the scholarship will cover up to $250 in training costs for you.
  • You will need to complete this training no later than two (2) months before your CDA expires.

Once your training is completed:

  • Within one year of submitting your renewal CDA application, you must have completed 80 work hours in your CDA setting.
  • You will need to show proof of current membership in a national or local early childhood professional organization. The scholarship will pay up to $100 for a standard membership.
  • You will download the Renewal CDA guides from the Council for your CDA setting: early childhood or home visitor
  • You will also download the document that relates to your setting about choosing an official Reviewer for your renewal CDA. Choose early childhood or home visitor.
  • When ready to apply for your Renewal CDA, the scholarship will walk you through the process and pay the $125 application fee for you.

Congratulations! You’ve renewed your national CDA credential.

  • Once you complete the necessary paperwork, you will receive a completion bonus of $250 from the CDA Scholarship Project.
  • The CDA credential can be renewed every three years.

View step by step instructions:

Next Steps

100% of the cost of this program will be financed with Federal money up to $1.3 million annually. No other funding sources support this program.