How to Become a Licensed Child Care Provider in Missouri?


Children are naturally curious and eager to learn about the world around them. Parents need to provide children to fulfill those curiosities. However, busier parents might find it increasingly difficult to spend time with their children and contribute to their early growth and development. This is where Child Care providers can play a vital role.

The goal of childcare facilities is to provide children with a safe and nurturing environment to play, learn, and grow. However, starting a childcare facility involves following specific laws and obtaining the necessary licenses. In this article, we will outline the essential steps to becoming licensed childcare assistance providers in Missouri.

Why You Should Get a License for Your Child Care Business in Missouri?

Obtaining a license for your child care business in Missouri is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures compliance with state regulations, providing a safe and healthy environment for the children under your care. Licensed facilities are regularly inspected, ensuring that high standards are consistently met. This not only protects the children but also builds trust with parents, who are assured of the quality and reliability of your services.
Additionally, having a license can open up opportunities for funding and grants, which are often available only to licensed providers. It also enhances your reputation and credibility in the community, potentially attracting more clients and allowing your business to grow.

How Do I Apply For a Childcare License in Missouri?

If you’re considering opening a childcare facility in Missouri, obtaining the appropriate license is a crucial step. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the requirements, application process, licensing standards, and ongoing requirements to help you navigate the process.

Initial Requirements

Before you begin the application process, ensure you meet the initial requirements set by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS):

  1. Age: You must be at least 18 years old.
  2. Background Check: All applicants and employees must undergo a comprehensive background check.
  3. Education and Training: Some level of early childhood education or relevant training may be required depending on the type of childcare facility.
  4. Facility Preparation: Ensure your facility complies with local zoning laws and is equipped to meet health and safety standards.

Licensing Application Process

The process of applying for a childcare license in Missouri involves several steps:

Pre-Application Orientation:

Attend a mandatory orientation session provided by the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS). This session is designed to give you a comprehensive overview of the regulations and requirements involved in operating a childcare facility.

Complete the Application:

Access and fill out the application form, which is available on the DHSS website. Be thorough and precise in providing all necessary details about your facility. This includes the exact location, the planned capacity (number of children you intend to accommodate), and the specific types of childcare services you will offer (e.g., infant care, preschool programs, after-school care).

Submit Documentation:

Compile and submit all required documentation along with your completed application form. Essential documents typically include background check results for all individuals involved in the childcare operation, proof of completed training courses relevant to childcare, and detailed facility plans (e.g., floor plans, safety measures, and equipment lists).


Once your application is reviewed, schedule an inspection of your facility with a licensing representative from DHSS. The representative will visit your site to conduct a thorough evaluation, ensuring that your facility complies with all health, safety, and zoning requirements.


If your application meets all requirements and your facility passes the inspection, you will receive official approval from DHSS. Upon approval, you will be issued your childcare license, authorizing you to legally operate your childcare facility.

What are the Licensing Standards for Child Care License?

To obtain and maintain a childcare license, your facility must meet several standards. Here are some of the missouri child care center licensing regulations you should follow:

1. Staff Qualifications and Training

Staff members must have appropriate qualifications and training, which may include:

  • Minimum educational requirements in early childhood education.
  • Ongoing professional development and training sessions.
  • Certification in CPR and first aid.

2. Child-to-Staff Ratios

Maintaining appropriate child-to-staff ratios is essential to ensure adequate supervision and quality care. The specific ratios vary depending on the age of the children:

  • Infants (6 weeks to 12 months): 1 staff to 4 infants.
  • Toddlers (13 to 24 months): 1 staff to 8 toddlers.
  • Preschoolers (25 months to 5 years): 1 staff to 10 children.

3. Health, Safety, and Sanitation Requirements for Facilities

Your facility must adhere to strict health, safety, and sanitation standards:

  • Clean and sanitized environments.
  • Safe indoor and outdoor play areas.
  • Adequate heating, cooling, and ventilation systems.
  • Procedures for handling emergencies and illnesses.

4. Curriculum and Development Activities

Implementing a developmentally appropriate curriculum is crucial for the growth and learning of children:

  • Structured daily schedules with a balance of activities.
  • Age-appropriate educational materials and toys.
  • Activities that promote cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development.

Are There Ongoing Requirements To Maintain A Child Care License In Missouri?

Once you have obtained your childcare license, there are ongoing requirements to maintain it:

  1. Annual Renewal: Each year, it is necessary to renew your childcare license. This process entails completing a thorough renewal application and facilitating another meticulous inspection of your facilities to ensure they meet current standards and safety protocols.
  2. Continued Training: Ongoing professional development and training for your staff are essential. These sessions are designed to keep them abreast of the latest childcare practices and regulatory updates, ensuring they provide high-quality care and maintain compliance with evolving standards.
  3. Compliance with Regulations: Adherence to health, safety, and staffing regulations is a continuous requirement. Failure to comply could lead to significant consequences such as fines, penalties, or even the suspension or revocation of your childcare license, jeopardizing your ability to operate.
  4. Record Keeping: Accurate and comprehensive record keeping is imperative. This includes maintaining detailed records of enrollment numbers, daily attendance, staff qualifications, ongoing training sessions attended, and the outcomes of health and safety inspections.

Starting a child care business involves adhering to a multitude of rules and regulations, particularly when dealing with the care of children. Different states in the USA have varying regulations in place before granting licenses for child care providers. The above article covers most of the rules and regulations that you should follow to become a licensed childcare assistance provider in Missouri. However, please meet with relevant authorities to ensure you cover all your bases.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who is a licensed childcare provider?

A licensed childcare provider is an individual or organization that has met the requirements set by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services to legally operate a child care facility.

Why do I need a license to provide child care assistance in Missouri?

Licensing ensures that child care providers meet specific health, safety, and educational standards to protect the well-being of children in their care.

What types of child care facilities need to be licensed in Missouri?

Child care centers, group child care homes, and family child care homes typically require licensing. Certain exemptions may apply, such as care provided in the child’s own home or care provided for less than four unrelated children.

What documents do I need to submit with my application?

Documents typically include proof of identity, background check results, proof of training completion, and a health and safety plan for your facility.

How long does it take to get a child care license in Missouri?

The processing time can vary, but it generally takes several weeks to a few months, depending on the completeness of your application and the scheduling of inspections.